

We provide a wide range of payroll services. We’ll:

Case Studies

Case Study 1) Raven Recruitment

The Problem

Raven Recruitment is a temporary recruitment agency focussing on healthcare and industrial sectors. The number of company employees varies week to week with multiple pay rates and differing hours worked.

Holiday pay and CIS obligations added complexity to the arrangement. Not only was this an administrative headache it created significant internal costs in order to manage compliance.

How we helped

We took over the client from a top 20 firm. We reduced Raven’s costs and helped to created processes which further reduced their payroll burden.

Financial and operational savings were also identified during the process.

The result for Raven

Raven’s payroll remains in perpetual change and yet internal and external compliance costs have reduced.

Payroll is being turned around more quickly and post processing adjustments have been almost eliminated.

Case Study 2) Non Declaration to HMRC

The problem

The client was facing a criminal investigation for not declaring various taxes. Payroll had not been submitted for several years and HMRC were refusing to agree any final settlement until payroll matters had been brought up to date.

How we helped

We had to deal with the lack of historic records and bring payroll up to date with HMRC. This required negotiation with HMRC Inspectors regarding taxable and non-taxable payments to employees and deemed tax paid figures with IR35 considerations.

The Result

We swiftly reduced HMRC’s and the client’s initial estimated payroll liabilities by over 80% by applying our tax and commercial expertise to resolve all outstanding payroll concerns.