Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits

We’ll quickly, and efficiently, maximise your claims for R&D tax credits.

R&D Tax Credits

Research and development (R&D) tax credits enable companies to invest in innovative products and services. The scheme offers companies an opportunity to claim back a proportion of R&D costs,

Your company size and how your R&D activity is structured will determine how you can claim. Claims can either reduce current/future corporation tax or generate a “no strings attached” cash injection from HMRC.

Case Study:

A client review identified a failure to claim R&D tax credits. (Their former accountant had advised them they did not qualify.)

How We Helped

We identified changes to enable current, and historic, expenditures to be claimed for R&D tax credits

The Outcome

We enabled the client to generate an additional £100,000 p.a. in cashflow, from ongoing development.

Contact us to learn how to claim your R&D tax credits – and improve your overall tax position.