Property / Real Estate VAT Expertise – West London

Property / Real Estate VAT Expertise – West London

We advise property developers, commercial property buyers and construction businesses, on:

Frequently we identify substantial VAT savings and use them in conjunction with capital allowances. Many clients are unaware of these savings – before speaking to us. That’s because we provide comprehensive, tailored, property VAT advice.

(It’s best if you contact us as early as possible – even before even making an offer.)

We’re more than standard Chartered Accountants:

Case Study: Holiday Lets

The Problem

Our client had built up a substantial sideline in holiday lets in which his customers booked through his own personal service company.

HMRC told him VAT needed to be charged on the turnover – which would have closed his business.

How We Helped

We reviewed the position and advised that the business was not subject to VAT by virtue of how it provided holidays to its customers.

The Result

HMRC accepted VAT did not need to be paid and as a result, our client continues to trade.

Contact us today to relieve your property VAT headache – and reduce or recover your VAT. You’ll be pleased you did.